Shoulder dystocia

Medical Malpractice Cases Based on Birth Injury Due to Shoulder Dystocia

Shoulder dystocia happens during thousands of deliveries each year in the United States. If shoulder dystocia is not handled properly by the doctor, the carelessness can result in serious birth injuries. Shoulder dystocia is when the baby’s shoulder is caught on its mother’s pubic bone during the vaginal delivery. If this occurs, the doctors must perform certain medical procedures to free the baby’s shoulder in a safe and timely manner.

Shoulder dystocia can be anticipated by doctors, and in many cases, it can be prevented. If a mother’s risk factors are assessed early in the pregnancy the doctors can prevent the problem from occurring. Some of the risk factors of shoulder dystocia include (1) Gestational diabetes; (2) Excessive weight gain during pregnancy; (3) An unusually large baby; or, (4) A mother with a history of having large babies.

If shoulder dystocia is improperly treated, the baby may suffer various injuries including:

  • Birth Hypoxia
  • Brachial Plexus Injuries
  • Fetal Death
  • Fractures to the baby’s collar bone or humerus

Our Lake County, Illinois birth injury law firm has successfully represented the rights of injured infants. With over 20 years of experience in the field, we understand the risk factors associated with shoulder dystocia and can quickly consult with you and your loved ones. During your initial consultation, Bob will answer all your questions and inform you of all your options. Bob and his staff of litigators have obtained MILLIONS of dollars in compensation for their clients. A quick look at the CASE RESULTS blog will show you the successful cases Bob and his staff have obtained for clients over the years. A look at the client testimonials will demonstrate that our law firm provides superior personalized legal services above and beyond the rest.


If your child suffered shoulder dystocia and was seriously injured or died, our law firm may be able to get you the compensation that you deserve. Please call and speak to Bob personally today. You can contact him by calling toll-free at 855-760-6746 or 847-395-2200. You may also contact Bob through our online form, or, if you would like, connect live with our live chat operators 24/7 and Bob will call you back right away.

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(847) 395-2200